2024 HIDTA Prevention Summit

The purpose of the 2024 HIDTA Prevention Summit is to share fundamental pillars and principles of a school-based prevention system that integrates today’s drug landscape and builds capacity through community partners such as coalitions, law enforcement, and non-profit organizations.

Attendees took away an understanding of opportunities for school-community collaboration in support of school-based prevention efforts and received three new resources to help them in this work. These resources can be found on ADAPT’s Prevention Intervention Resource Center and include:

  1.  School-Based Prevention: Principles, Pillars, & Opportunities for School-Community Collaboration
  2. Preventing Opioid Use & Overdose in School-Age Youth
  3. A Guide to Implementing a Social Norms Media Campaign for Substance Use Prevention in Secondary Schools

All recorded webinars are available for on-demand viewing on the ADAPT YouTube Channel.

Download the Summit Resource Supplement Here